Tuesday, April 3, 2012

NeUventure on Wall Street Review

I recently attended the Seminar I of the "NeUventure On Wall Street", aka "Knowledge is better than gold".
The seminar was ok, but it wasn't amazing.
For those of you who don't know, this purpose of the seminar is to introduce novices to the stock market and start them off with basic skills, knowledge and strategy's to get their feet wet and make a few dollars on stocks.

It is a 2 day seminar that is $99. That was the special price so it may be more expensive at normal rates.
Anyway, it is 9am to 6pm and is 2 days, Friday and Saturday.

On the first day, the majority of the speaker's time is dedicated to telling you the wonders of financial freedom and how jobs in America are a thing of the past. You know, the same type of talk you hear at Multilevel marketing conferences, or read in books like the 4 hour workweek. Anyway, I agree with most of it, but a lot of it isn't necessary. You get a workbook you can try to fill in the blanks for, but the speakers usually go pretty fast so it's hard to focus on the book when they're talking about different things and advancing slideshows that don't reflect what's in the workbook.

Day 2, you start to learn more about the stock market.
Let me save you the $99 or whatever and just tell you what you'll learn here: Rolling Stocks. That's all you'll learn about, or all you'll be told what to do and practice. So just research yourself what Rolling Stocks are, aka Swing trading. If you can Google those keywords, you'll learn all you need to know (and more) than what you'll learn from the NeUventure Seminar I.

Unfortunately, 60% of day 2, the speakers dedicate their time to upselling you their $40,000 product, "Top Gun" training (I'm not kidding, that' show much it costs), as well as about 20 other products (home study courses, webinar subscriptions, coaching/consultations, etc.).
The fact they do this to "beginners" really pisses me off.
Here they are, convincing beginners to come and learn a simple strategy for making money on swing trading, and they don't even give their "students" a chance to try it out before upselling them dozens of "higher level" courses. While they may be smart stock players, they should probably earn the trust of their customers before bombarding them with upsell pitches and hours of giving spiels on why they should drop 40 g's hours before the seminar's even over.

Another annoyance is that they take "breaks" about ever 35 minutes. These "10 minute breaks" turn into 30 minute breaks. So from 9am to 6pm, that's 9 hours. 3 of those hours are upselling, and another 3 - 4 hours of that is break time.

I would say go to the seminar if you're really bored on a weekend. But if you want to get down to business and start playing the stock market safely, just go research "Swing trading" or "Rolling stocks", "rolling stock trading". You'll learn that you don't even have to manually browse thousands of stocks and draw your resistance/support lines manually like NeUventure tells you to, you can buy screening service subscriptions that send you rolling stocks automatically.
While I haven't taken any of their Seminar II, III, etc., I can tell you that it's more involved with trend market investing, double-dipping, option trading, etc. So just research the basic stuff and perhaps take a higher level course if you have the money to spend. But I imagine you can learn everything else in their $5k - $40k courses if you instead just ordered a $20 book on Amazon.

I hope this review helps you. It's an honest review and I leave no hyperlinks here, no affiliate links, just pure review on my thoughts of the seminar.

Best of luck to you.


  1. Wow! Great review! Info is clear, concise, and accurate. Thank you for saving my weekend and my money! Kathy C - Arvada, CO

    1. After losing 40% of my 401K that I had built over 22 years, in 2008 I said I'd never let it happen to me again. In 2010 I started with their system as a Top Gun, have used their coaching webinars and gone through seminar 1-4 many times in addition to one advanced seminar. In 2011 I avoided a 20% loss in my 401K from what they taught me, and that alone saved me more than I had spent for their courses (yes, costly training but well worth it for me and my family who will use these concepts for generations to come). At that point I realized the expense was worth all I had paid and more.. I realized that 40% loss in 2008 would take a 66% increase to recover and at 8% a year, I'd never make it back. For the first year I spent 5-10 hours a week learning the strategies NueVenture teaches and what they taught me through seminar 4 enabled me to avoid another major loss in 2011 (of 20%). Beyond that, I have been able to trade stocks successfully using their strategies. Their teachings are sound and their guidelines for achieving success in trading have shaped my families financial future for success (without the demands on my time of a day trader). I still have my "day job" but can see a future where I will be able to fire my boss.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I am one of the victims of this program. Heard about them on a Christian radio, and attended their Seminar 1 event. Seminar 1 was a limited with only basic information, but a lot of up selling and up staging. Out of the two days, only half day session was to the subject matter. The rest is up selling and talk about the speakers world view, and personal experience of the speakers. What was worse and I advise anyone to watch out is that they twist the good Word about knowledge and wealth, to lure and trap unsuspecting brothers and sisters to fall into their trap. Don't sign up for anything - even if they say they give you discounts. $17K for their Top Gun is outrageous. My advice is, use the $17K to start funding your own trading account, and use it to learn the skill slowly. That's the quick way to get engaged. You can't afford to spend for their Top Gun price, and still need pull more to start trading. At the end of the day, you need some fund to really practice the trade - so why not start with the Top Gun price and build your skills anyways. Brothers and sisters, beware of the fox - he comes to steal and kill.

  2. info is incorrect after your done with seminar 1 the next seminars are all about learning options, and spreads which then you can upgrade for a play that he invented and make money no matter what. You under estimate the possibility of this program because of the first seminar let alone only the first seminar has given me more profit then my teacher makes in a month. I am only 17 years old and make more money then my teachers. I only looked at this because i gave a recommendation to a friend and he found this site and you are totally wrong and giving lousy feed back because you just went to seminar 1

    1. Thanks for your feedback, and I applaud you for pursuing an excellent path in life to achieve success and financial freedom.

      I do hope, however, that you understand my review was written shortly after attending one, so everything our class went through, was quite fresh in my mind.

      It would be very irresponsible of me to write out a review that speaks about the positives of wealth and what one can achieve "potentially" using information learned from the Seminar.

      I will admit that my review is more negative than positive, but understand that what you are saying is not exactly what the people running this will have you believe when they lure people in through their radio ads.

      They make it sound like it is just some simple class you show up to, learn an easy yet proven trick (which is just finding rolling stocks and buying low/selling high between support and resistance lines) and that you'll go home happy and on your way to wealth.

      What they don't tell you is that they spend more time on trying to get you to pay the more money, than they do trying to get you paid more than you already "invested" so far (Seminar I).

      Also, I did not tell anyone to not go to these at all. I said go if you want, and even go on to the advanced seminars if you have the money. So this review was for Seminar 1, sorry for the confusion.

      Best if luck to you and your friend. I hope you reach financial freedom early, and never have to work a miserable 8-5 job.

    2. Bottom line is they over charge you! Great traders have combined to start Trade Smart University so that never again that people will be ripped off! Try Trade Smart University! And see the difference. Even topguns are welcome and see for yourself, why you have been losing!

    3. I know this is is a cold thread but I just have seen it and I have personal experience with the company and the employees and the cult like leader King David Mitchell. I want to send another one I went to seminar to I went to seminar 3 I am a Top Gun and the entire time all that was going on in all of their seminar it was all about buying more buying more and that some of the most asinine and outrageous prices I've ever seen anyting given valuation. I just had a sick to my stomach gut feeling and whatever you have a gut feeling about something your conscience knows right and wrong and I just filled it from the beginning that he was a faking it was a fraud I know iLearn that I was correct and my grandfather is a hardcore Southern Baptist Christian amazing man fell for it and pay this bastard so much money for information that I told him during seminar one I could get for free online. David Mitchell may be burning in hell for this when Judgment Day comes but I guess that is not my choice. Anyone who does not see this and actually does posting good reviews on here is it a related to or working for the son of a b****. David Mitchell is a joke disgrace to what people's do you use are about Christians and Christianity gives Christians a bad look. Is a wolf in sheep clothing a false prophet someone who does the worst of the worst and uses God's name 2 beat his greedy heart. If you want to seminar and you actually thought that it was a worth what you spent to get a telegram package and that you would do it all over again because despite it being free public information that's taught on YouTube even better than new Venture teaches and thanks it was still worth it I'm very sorry to say you are more than likely going to get played and f***** over so bad by so many people until you do see it

  3. An added note- we signed up to be "Top Guns" which allows your entire family ( including children when they are old enough) to learn how to trade on all four levels, as they encourage family wealth building. And the 40,000 price is retail, as we only paid about 11- 12K total for the Top Gun program, and they will divide it into payments, interest free over 2 years. The systems they teach you definetly work, but you must practice for a few months to really get them down. The people at NeuVentures are the most helpful, friendly, ethical people we have ever worked with, and you can sense that they truly get a kick out of helping people make money.

    1. Yes, he sure will break it down in payments and charge you to attend a hot stinky hotel ballroom and won't have the decency to show up. In my book they are sharletons and only interested in fleecing the sheep. What they charge is outrages and they offer you train you in a hotel ballroom full of people on projector slides flying through information. I went thinking the the person I heard on the radio was sincere but beware when someone wants to present to you before revealing their price. I thought surely this person being a Pastor that he wouldn't operate in this manner like all the sharletons who advertise seminars. In fact this was the worst bill of goods presented that I ever experienced.

    2. Great to hear from you K. I'm a NeUventure student too and created a website where I share my thoughts about my journey stock trading. You can find it at www.stocktradingjourney.com. Would love to hear how trading it going for you.

    3. At Trade Smart University, the amount the Neuventure charges for Topguns 12k is only 2k plus.... you will not just learn spreads but iron condors and covered collar. Neuventure charges non topguns to learn options for 5k at Trade Smart University it's only $900. Plus the coaches are great traders. Try going to their site and take the scholarship. You'll see. Trade Smart University coaches -- you cna communicate even non market days and hours. Also, for candlesticks producst of Neuventure $600 you can buy a book at Amazon from Steve Nison $60! Steve Nison covers more. If I am satisfied with Neuventure program, I assure you I will give them great comment. But not what I experienced. Bottom line is, shop around before you pay so much.

  4. On his radio infomercials, David Mitchell sounds like he really is just a pastor that wants to help fellow believers earn money. How many times in that 30 minute period does he mention that he has never taken a salary from his church. Question: Is there really a church? Maybe its a home church just for his family. If so, there is nothing wrong with that, but the infomercial makes this listener believe it is a church with some congregation, considering he is listed as senior pastor for the last 18 years. There is a very simple website that lists him as senior pastor and a Charlotte Mitchell as sunday school teacher. That's about it. The Google map shows one house on a long empty stretch of road. Is this his house? Maybe that's why he hasn't taken a salary. But to the listener, the inference is that it is a church with at least some congregation. Does this seem odd to anyone else? Check it out for yourself. Ethical? Above reproach?

    1. Albert, I found this...

    2. Paul in the bible made tents to spread the gospel. But he never over charge the people with his tents!

  5. I participated in one of their introductory seminars a few years back, and had some success. The staff was incredibly cordial and supportive throughout the process. Loved every minute of it. However, I too felt that too much time was dedicated to the next steps/seminars and not teaching the foundation piece of their rolling stock program. I believe that if they did this and built a strong foundation for investors confidence, word would spread and their upstage seminars would prosper and grow. However, I also understand any sales market... you hope to capture and grow on people's enthusiasm & emotions in the moment. Otherwise, they may not do it later. If they would stay focused on 1 step at a time, I think their investors would be even more solid and less skeptical.

    On another note, I would like to know where I can find the screening system that you mention above. I have been unsuccessful in finding such a tool.

    1. http://www.tradetobefree.com is one of them.
      That's not an affiliate link or anything. I don't subscribe to it. I got setup on a trial and it was e-mailing me stocks and showing me the charts and it definitely looked like the rolling ones we had become familiar with in the NeuVenture workbooks.

  6. This is a great, informative review! I've been hearing their commercials for a while now and have been very curious about what it entails. Thanks for taking the time to post this!

  7. Yeah, I think it is sad they are advertising on christian stations making it sound like its easy and inexpensive. I went to the seminar I and left midway through the 1st day when I heard about the offer they where going to present to us. $5k - $6k to sit in a hot stinky hotel ballroom with 100+ people and learn stock trading from projector slides or the top gun program $12k + $200 per month. The hotel was old hot & too many people in there to focus. I came back the second day for about 30 mins. since I live in the area just to make sure I wasn't selling myself short. I talked with the gentleman in the back of the room to clarify the price points mentioned. In fact, I understood correctly that $6k would be for the upcoming seminars to learn stock investing in a hotel ballroom on projector slides with room full of people & the 12k + 200 monthly payments to get that plus coaching calls. For that type of money I would expect one on one training or smaller setting. I'd wish I could call in on those christian stations & let the folks know what kind of christians they are: greedy because it is just a sells pitch to see how much money they can fleeced the sheep for.

  8. To Kestrel and all the Commenters here: Thank You! I don't believe most of these pitches; I was listening on Christian radio and hoped this might be more "on the level". Of course I wanted to find reviews of NeUventure and this helps a lot. I'll think 2xs before doing; though $99.95 might be par for the course, $40,000+ is outrageous! I pray no one forks over that amount for this kind of deal! And even $11-12,000/family seems excessive to me. But maybe I'm not looking hard enough at the big picture.

    BTW - to Brian White: you seemed to have a good experience with them. Can you honestly say you'd do it again or is it better just to go with Kestrel's way and do the research on your own? Seems the latter is the better - and cheaper - way!

    Thanks again!

  9. THANK YOU Father in Heaven for guiding me to this site when I was searching for guidance as to whether or not the radio station ads were 'Too Good To be True!'. Again, the response to that age old quote is 'It is too good to be true.' God is Truth, and if it ain't true, it ain't God!

  10. I've traded for over 10 years before coming across this program, and when I heard it advertised on Christian radio, I needed to check it out for myself. Kestrel offers a very fair review of seminar 1, which is the only one I attended also. The only thing I would add is that you can get everything they teach you in seminar 1 for free online, but if you decide to engage the stock markets, just know that it is very hard to make consistent money over a long period of time. Key word being consistent. If you have the discipline and persistence to work hard at it, one may be very profitable.

  11. I attended the seminar last weekend. I read this review and found it very helpful. My girlfriend bought me the ticket as a gift, because for the last 6 months, I've been doing some stock trading and she thought it would help. More on that in a bit. I'm also going to comment on some of the original reviewer's comments.

    "You get a workbook you can try to fill in the blanks for, but the speakers usually go pretty fast so it's hard to focus on the book when they're talking about different things and advancing slideshows that don't reflect what's in the workbook."

    I didn't really find this to be the case, and I didn't have any trouble filling out the blanks and taking notes. Maybe it depends on who is presenting.

    "Let me save you the $99 or whatever and just tell you what you'll learn here: Rolling Stocks. That's all you'll learn about, or all you'll be told what to do and practice. So just research yourself what Rolling Stocks are, aka Swing trading. If you can Google those keywords, you'll learn all you need to know (and more),,,”

    My take: You probably could find all this on your own, but I found it very valuable to not have to spend time looking on my own, and instead have the pertinent information boiled down and handed to me. Being able to ask questions was also helpful.

    "Unfortunately, 60% of day 2, the speakers dedicate their time to upselling you their $40,000 product, "Top Gun" training…as well as about 20 other products…”

    I'm glad I had read this review before going, because I was prepared for the sales pitch. I would say of the entire seminar time, a third of it was breaks (including lunch), a third was sales pitches, and a third was actually information I could use. I made use of the “sales pitch time” by checking my email on my phone, reviewing my notes, etc. I used the time to my advantage.

    "Another annoyance is that they take "breaks" about ever 35 minutes. These "10 minute breaks" turn into 30 minute breaks.”

    True, especially on day two. A 5 or 10 minute break would easily be 20 or longer, mainly because lots of people want to ask questions or just "shmooze" with the presenter.

    "I would say go to the seminar if you're really bored on a weekend. But if you want to get down to business and start playing the stock market safely, just go research "Swing trading" or "Rolling stocks", "rolling stock trading"."

    I personally enjoyed the seminar (the information I got from it), and even though I probably could have found the information on my own, I like the way it was presented. I have no intentions to buy any of their other products.

    I will add this...I've been trading for about 6 months now on my own. I've done pretty well. I'm up about 60%. With the information I got from this seminar, I would have at least doubled that. One tip I got, if I had followed it, would have let me avoid a 20% loss in one day, and probably turned it into a 20% gain. I am definitely going to use the information from this seminar, and I have already recommended it to a friend of mine.

    The tickets they sent me were good for an entire family (so your spouse can go too – I wouldn’t take the kids) and also included an extra ticket I could have given to someone else, so you might be able to find someone else to split the cost with.

    One more thing. If you go, when they ask for volunteers, get up there as fast as you can, and when he asks the question and holds something out, grab it. Just trust me on this.

    Like the original poster, I have no vested interest in this company, and just wanted to thank him for his review and to offer my own comments in case it might help someone.

  12. I've attended the Seminar I, and my feeling is the same about the second day. But I think what it comes down to is..., is there anyone out there who has taken the Top Gun course and not made the money back using their strategy? I can't seem to find the answer anywhere on the web so far.

    1. From what I've learned from talking to other NeUventure students is there is a big mix of those who have and those who haven't. It's not a cut and dry answer and it would be hard to really know the answer until more years have past because stock trading is like most things, it takes time and dedication to learn. I personally haven't made my money back yet but I am definately still working really hard to learn this new skill. You can find out more about my experience at www.stocktradingjourney.com

    2. I'm a topgun and some others I know. And never gotten our my money back from trading. There's a lot of hype in Neuventure. Try Trade Smart University, they charge less and some traders have been very successful because they know their stuff!

    3. I’m top gun for over a year, too. I am paying about of $565 a month under the Top Gun program since then. They sold me into the program, using the same kind of selling point - that I will be able to recover the $12k, just by trading. After you fall in their trap, later , they send out their advisory email not to trade - something they themselves call ' Squirrel Market' conditions - for quite long time. So, I have being paying them out of my other income. It's a bad deal … Learn it from me.

    4. i am a Top Gun. made the money back on 1 trade.. you gotta play by the rules.

  13. Thanks for the review. Appreciate it that you took the time to go and then write about it.

  14. Why are these ads on Christian radio?

    1. Because a lot of Christian like us are gullible!

  15. Thanks to all who went for the reviews that you provided...


  16. Their infomercial says they show you how to see what the big boys are trading. Can you please tell me their method of doing this? I would be glad to pay and take the seminar but having to spend so much time listening to the upselling would make me angry. Especially since they mention that other seminars do this and act like they don't.

  17. I went to the seminar today and mostly agree with what the OP wrote. As a Christian I really felt ok about attending this seminar especially after hearing about them on the local Christian radio station. Once they started pitching the other products and services along with the somewhat high prices I really began getting turned-off a little. I wanted the presenter (Boyce McCloud) to spend more time covering the material and the techniques involved. I will be attending day 2 today but I'm not as excited about it as I was yesterday but I will go there and will try to have an optimistic attitude. I really hope that their intentions are sincere yet on the same hand why aren't they upfront about all the other training and cost involved prior to anyone attending the seminar?

  18. As someone who bought the "Top Gun" package and have attended all of the courses within the package - there are four of them - many of the corrections that have been made by previous posts are pretty much correct. I have to agree with Kestrel, though, on a major point. First, even if the Top Gun package is $12-$14K, and not $40K, it is way overpriced and not worth the money spent IF someone wants to carefully read what is out there in regards to the same strategies NVOWS presents. Plus, there is NO money-back guarantee if you purchase the Top Gun package, which I have a problem with that policy. The same options trading strategies are found on Amazon's best-selling books on the subject, which I had wished I had found before I signed up for the program. But what makes NVOWS popular is that they will teach you and help you on how to make the right trades with their support programs, which are part of the package. Most people learn better and feel more confident if they attend classes and can call someone for expert help. In simple terms, this system works for the new and/or nervous, and that is why they can justify the high price. But it is worth giving credit to NVOWS for doing two things that none of their competitors ever offer: 1) allow members to take the classes as many times as they want for FREE; and, 2) allow family members to attend the classes for FREE as many times as they want. Considering that the vast majority of attendees at Sessions III and IV are repeat students, these events have to be expensive to host by NVOWS as they have pretty much sold everything they are going to sell to these people . . . but they still honor their offer. Another point, though, which needs to be made is this: with the current unstable state of the stock market, David Mitchell's recommendations and strategies have not been as profitable as they should be. During unpredictable market conditions, he implements a "squirrel market alert" which he gives to his students which indicates that no one should be trading. Frankly, since I have been a Top Gun student for over a year, it seems like we have been under this alert at least half of the time, and the other half of the time, he has been very, very tentative to recommend much as he has been wrong on some trades of his own (to his own admission, by the way). So in response to his claims that his strategies will allow you to make 10x more than the market average, I haven't seen those returns yet -but I don't know if it's fair to blame that on him or the market as his strategies probably work great in a more definitive market. And one last comment in response to David Mitchell's absence at the events . . . he does teach at some of Session I and Session II events. As for Session III and Session IV events, he is generally the main teacher, especially for Session IV. Considering that they are offering Session I events (which is the one that is advertised on the radio and is the "sales pitch" event) virtually every other weekend somewhere in the United States, it would probably be ridiculous to expect anyone to teach that class every week, analyze the market and advise students, AND also run a business as well.

    1. I have never believed in these technical trading tactics. Academic research has shown that after trading costs, there are no rules that allow you to profit in excess of market returns. My personal opinion is that it is ALWAYS a Squirrel Market. Always. And if you think it's not, you are underestimating the risk.

  19. First to preface : This time last year I decided I wanted to learn about the market, but the thing is it seem so big and so complex , I was very intimidated by this, because with no type of knowledge or skill I really had nothing to go off of. So I read articles, I watched YouTube videos, and while it did introduce the lingo to me, I still felt like I was not getting it. I am going to let you know something when it comes to stock trading EVERYONE has an opinion, and it is fairly easy to go off someone information to only be led in the wrong direction. I consider myself to be a pretty skeptical person. I do not buy on impulse, and when it comes to signing up for anything I typically research first and spend more time looking at the negative comments than the positive. I have always felt that you get more honesty from the negatives than the positive, but I advise you to beware of this, because just like I said earlier, EVERYONE will have an opinion about something including myself and the author of this review. I do make these comments as a Top Gun student , but there is no agenda on my part, I was just curious about what people were saying about NeUventure and pretty much stumbled into this forum.

    My first impression after completing the first seminar was again of unsurity. Why that was I don’t know. My best guess is because the amount of information received, now I won’t go into detail about that, because I do not feel that is fair to NeuVenture, but if you would like a bit more detail please give me a call (I’ll leave my info at the end of this reply, and again I am not affiliated with Neuventure in any way aside the fact that I have purchased Top Gun.) I admit, initially I was turned off (for lack of a better word) by the up selling, me being the skeptical conspiracy theorist; I can see the authors point about it. I felt like I was being sweet talked into a Lexus when all I came for was a Honda, and that along with the info I was receiving did become a bit overwhelming and too much to take in at one time, but when you step back and take NeuVenture for what it is, first and foremost it is a business, and this is no different than the candy, and toiletries that are conveniently placed next to the cash register at every brick and mortar store in the USA. Don’t let this be the reason you decide not to attend, because you will be doing yourself a disservice.

    How has my trading been since the seminar? BAD! But, this is no bearing on the company and has everything to do with me following the rules, and getting ahead of myself, or giving into the emotions of the market ,but make no mistake about it, I believe in the knowledge I received, and though I am nowhere near close to firing my boss her time is ticking. My two cents to you, that are looking to make a decision based on what you are reading, is that 99.00 is a small price to pay for a chance to be financially free. Marcel.a.giles87@gmail.com (815) 627-0235

  20. I am a NeUventure student and have attended Seminar 1 and 2. I've been trading with them for close to 3 years now. You can read my thoughts on Seminar 1 here http://stocktradingjourney.com/blog/2014/02/22/our-first-stock-trading-seminar/
    Basically I would love to hear how other students are doing and what they have learned and experienced. We can't do this alone. We need each other. Hope you'll stop by my site and share your stock trading journey as well!

  21. It's obvious that this or any related seminar would have to offer at least some useful information and strategies simply to be able stay in operation year round. It gets enough negative reviews as it is. And even myself knowing very little of the stock market trading techniques,still would venture at least some who attend these events ends up being successful simply from the law of averages. Sometimes you can flip a coin and it lands on heads 5 times in a row...it's called luck.
    But all that aside,i personally am more concerned with the honesty of Mr. Mitchell or anyone for that matter when it comes to his personal life. Even if they can give teach you some valuabe things,I don't want to learn them from dishonest people.I
    know nothing about him except that his church only has a google page website which I wasn't able to access. Knowing nothing about him as a pastor makes me wonder how much you know about him as a person.
    Also he claims on the radio ads that no one HAS EVER asked a refund for the seminar?? That is one fact I would really like to be verified before I could trust this man with my money. Another thing is the $99 price of seminar 1,which seems fair considering. But unless your in deep debt yourself,why not just charge $49 instead. just think how much he makes already from just one sold out event. just my 2 mites worth...

    1. 99.00 buys you two tickets. So you can bring a friend or like I did use it for a free retake.

  22. Also found that the park meadows church link posted earlier doesn't work or "unavailable". And also there are TWO Park Meadow churches about 25 miles apart in the Corsicana,Texas area?? Google maps shows one in Waxahachie that is just an old run down building in a vague location address of HWY-77. Just wondering if that was the old location,and if so why is there still a current website for it with that old address? Seems that old addresses/websites would be updated eventually, simply to avoid confusion. Unless confusion is what Mr. Mitchell is going for in this case? as far as I am concerned there is usually only one reason for secrecy,and it usually isn't a good one.

  23. Hm, I coulda swore i left a comment here a long time ago, I wonder if it got deleted? Anyhow, just out of curiosity I thought i'd check it out again, to discover a ton more comments! Disclaimer: since then, I have also signed up for the Top Gun package

    I'll leave my thoughts again.

    Much of what Kestrel says in the OP is true. You can find all of this info for free online or in books from Amazon. But as one commentator mentioned, there are opinions EVERYWHERE and it is hard to know whose opinion is trustworthy.

    Take my perspective as a personal trainer. I can charge people a decent hourly rate to learn my strategies for getting in shape. If a client signs on with me long term, they may fork over thousands. However, there is not ANYTHING i can teach someone that they cannot learn online for free! But that's not the point. The point is that people trust my expertise, and trust that I can cut through all the BS floating around out there. For many, finding the right person to guide them is the difference between mediocrity and actually accomplishing what they desire.

    Additionally, a huge reason someone may hire me as a trainer, despite almost everything I offer being available for free, is MOTIVATION. People lack motivation. Many people get a gym membership or hire a trainer solely for motivation, and in some cases the act of spending money solidifies in their mind their commitment - AKA the psychological effect of "commitment and consistency". If you spend your hard earned money on something, you WILL take it more seriously. Also consider that the best athletes in the world all hire trainers. People who are dead set on success know they need someone to hold them accountable.

    People, are you seeing where I'm taking this? With NeuVenture, the point is not that they charge for what is available for free elsewhere. It is not that they upsell their packages at the intro seminar.

    The point is that they, much like i as a personal trainer, cut through all the BS out there, provide motivation and provide coaching when you feel lost (you will feel lost trying to figure this out on your own).

    One last point to drive this home. Despite learning from Neuventure, I wanted more. I devoured everything I could about stocks and options. I tried this strategy and that strategy - usually with poor results. Bottom line is I have found that when I stick with the simple strategy i learned from neuventure is when I do the best. If you honestly think you can find success from reading a book or browsing the web then by all means do so.

    1. I am amazed that people are willing to fork over so much money for these 'financial' services.

  24. I cannot find the church that David Mitchell pastors. Could he be a fraud?

  25. I also attended to their 1st Seminar for $99. It was valid for 2 persons so I split the costs $50 each and for that price I think it was totally fair, they are doing a business so of course they will try to upsell other stuff you decide if you buy it or not, no one puts a gun on your head to do it. The information yes, could be available on Google or Amazon or you name it, but without guidance are you going to tell me it's easy to find? NO it's not. Here you sit down and will leave knowing something about the stock market, I did purchase the free trial of the Insiders and I LOVE IT. I DO think the stock market is for everyone you just have to learn how and what to do. If I found the seminar helpful? YES I mean for $50 what do you expect? they will not tell you everything you have to do some work too.

    I have already started and I knew NOTHING about stocks and now I'm making extra cash.

    1. Thank you

      I just attend day 2 yesterday

      I had a great time. I won my $100 back at the beginning from (Cristie). I do not have the money to pay for the other seminars but I believe what they are saying is true.

      They offer a refund on the hundred dollars

      But not on the other $12k that they say you must invest to be truly successful

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  27. I went...how can I say this and be kind......It was way too long, workbook was distracting most of the time. Love the sermons, use of scripture, motivation etc. However, I had an uneasy feeling that something was off. The pitch was more about selling their products. If they would re-consider how they package, present, and handle God's people.....they would not have so many issues with the negative feedback. I am still wanting to give it a chance though. by the way SOLOMON with all his wisdom....ended up bad!!! because he fell in love with GOLD and OVER TAXED the people.

    1. Selling their products... YUP! And using the name of Jesus to do so...

      Jesus beat people up for doing this!!

    2. Selling their products... YUP! And using the name of Jesus to do so...

      Jesus beat people up for doing this!!

    3. We are going around our area churches, alerting folks about NeUventure .... planning to stage similarly at their seminars, too.

  28. Learn this - 1) stock trading is gambling 2) gambling/trading systems, i.g. "rolling stocks", don't work. 3) the more trades you make, the quicker you will go broke. Google "system betting" "gambling" "stiocks". Do your homework. Anyone who uses God's name to promote an investment scam is taking a huge risk with their very soul. Don't fall for scams. I will say it again, DO YOUR HOMEWORK. If you don't understand the math, learn it.

  29. I have been hearing them on the radio and found their show interesting but I am very skeptical when you are asked to attend a seminar only to be told to invest thousands of dollars more for the services provided. My take is that most attenders do not have much money to invest in such "services". You can lose a lot in day trading the stock market. We are in 'volatile' times and one needs to be very careful. I find it interesting no one talks about how much money they have lost-and if you are day trading you will lose money. It is easy to talk about how much money you made on a trade but when you take into account losses and fees you often find out that you are 'behind' and not ahead. Since this company targets Christians I would urge extreme caution. A good book to look at first would be How to Make Money in Stocks: A Winning System in Good Times and Bad, Fourth Edition. Most, if not all, financial advisers are against day trading. Just remember, any time you trade someone else is collecting fees and they are the ones that are benefitting.

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  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Good job Bro. You got it, right. And as it turns out, you will have to start practicing the skill by really trading it. Which requires you to have funds anyways. So, why sign up for a 2 years payment schedule of their Top Gun program, with more than $500 payments each month. In the worst case, you might as well lose $500 every month missing on trading with your fund, but pick up some real skills quick and tested.

  32. How do I end my contract with Neuventure and Tellerchart? I've been in it for 3 months.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.
